Today is a special day for you to pause and remember the good things that God has done in your life and in the lives of your family members and to give Him thanks. When you take the time, you can see those places and spaces in your life when God brought you victory, brought you success. When you remember what God has said and give thanks to God for Who He is and all that He has done, it will transform your life.

In the Scripture, God commanded the children of Israel to take time out from their busy schedules seven times a year to celebrate a variety of national festivals, which were times of remembrance. He wanted His people to pause and remember the marvelous deeds that He had performed for them—how He parted the Red Sea, how He brought water out of the rock, how manna came down from heaven in the wilderness. All these festivals were marked by thanksgiving and joyous feasting.

Do you know why He wanted them to do that? Because they were just like us. They got busy doing life, and too often when we’re so busy doing life, we tend to forget what’s more important than all that. So often we forget what we should remember—how God has worked in our lives, our victories, our successes, the good times. We forget Who’s in control. We forget Who we can depend on to make things happen. We forget Who is providing for all our needs. We even forget the miracles that God has done in our lives.

And let us remember that Thanksgiving is more than just a holiday; it’s an attitude of our heart. Living with an attitude of gratitude means you don’t just thank God for what He did in the past, you also thank Him for what He will do in the future. You thank Him for opening new doors, for increasing you, and for bringing the right people into your life. When we thank God in advance, that’s really a declaration of faith. Your thanks is saying, “God, I’m so sure that You’re working in my life that I’m going to thank You right now for what You are going to do tomorrow!” Today and every day have an attitude of gratitude and live every day in thanksgiving!

“Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever” (Psalm 118:1).

by Joel & Victoria Osteen

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