Spreading The Love Of God Through The Gospel Of Jesus Christ


Samantha had 3 ping pong size nodules of cancerous growth. She did not want to go back to the doctor, until she had Pastor Taylor lay hands on her. Pastor laid hands on her throat, directly on the ping pong size nodules and miraculously, two of the three disappeared in front of our eyes. The third nodule disappeared a few days later! Nodules of cancer disappear!

E. saw the doctor and was diagnosed with cancer. She was to be seen by the doctor in 2 weeks to determine the next steps. She prayed with Pastor Taylor, who told her that her faith will heal her. When she went back to the doctor, there were NO signs of any cancer cells! Praise the Lord!! Cured of cancer!

L’s mother was bound with anxieties and depression. Pastor Taylor prayed with her and joined his faith with L and Savitri and right before our eyes, the wrinkles in her face receded and she looked 20 years younger. L, her daughter looked at her mother with incredulous eyes and couldn’t believe the sight she beheld. She had her mother back, younger with burdens lifted off of her. Praise God! Breaking Strongholds!

I was the typical 17-year-old thug. In love with the street life. At that time I had a bad attitude, I was rebellious to authority, and it lead me to a self-gratifying road of no value. Sleeping anywhere I could lay my head was in reality a blink of an eye away from being homeless. God opened my eyes little by little that I was going nowhere fast. God’s plans were to show me that he didn’t give up on me .He loves me so much that He showed me I was still His princess. He has given me his beauty for my ashes. Through Pastor Taylor, who is like the Dad I never had, I now see that the good life is better than the life I knew.
-Beloved “A” His Princess!

T’s mother had been paralyzed for 4 years from a massive stroke. She started coming to Spirit of Truth Ministries and began believing in the truths of the bible. One day, when Pastor Taylor was visiting her, after he left she told T “He touched me!” Next thing, she got up and walked! The very next week, T’s mother was walking in the church! Miracles abound! And the lame shall walk!

T. was diagnosed of the incurable disease, Hep C. Through Pastor Taylor’s Healing anointing , she was completely cured as was proven by the doctor’s report. Where there was once Hep C, there is Hep C no more!!! Miraculously cured of Hep C!

In the congregation, Larry demonstrated signs of demonic activity in him. He was grunting, distorted his face, cutting himself, speaking in a scary, hostile language, lack of sleep and saying filthy language and things to Pastor Taylor such as, that he was going to kill him. Pastor Taylor confidently and boldly took authority over the demons one at a time (there were several) and the demon in Larry submitted to the authority of Jesus’s name. The demons were exorcised one at a time. For weeks, Pastor Taylor would confront numerous demons to the point where Larry could begin to look forward to living a normal life. Taking authority over demons!

Every Tuesday night, we hear the Word from Pastor Taylor and as I listen to the Word, I learn what God really thinks about us and what the devil really thinks about us and how we can beat the devil at his own tricks. During this time, I got delivered from many spirits: from some sexual spirits, angry spirits, spirits of shame and spirits of fear and spirits of not expressing love.
-Beloved “Y” Getting back at the devil!

A young man came into church with headphones on his head during the service. No one said anything to him, however, he announced with an apology for wearing the headphones because it was actually a hearing aid. Pastor Taylor, under the anointing took the headphones off and announced to him that from this moment on, the young man wouldn’t need the hearing aid device. He was able to hear the entire service as he demonstrated understanding by his appropriate actions that night. To this day, he still has no need for the hearing aid device!!! God CAN do the impossible! And the deaf shall hear!

I was living a life of destruction and darkness. Under Pastor Taylor’s teaching, I felt like God brought me out of the darkness of my addiction and behind those prison walls and I was set free from the inside out. I feel that as God is the Light of my life, he wants to guide me as I journey on the narrow road.
-Beloved, Dolores Set Free!

God has used people who are so devoted to this ministry to point things out in my life that I never knew about myself. God has delivered me and set me free from being an unforgiving person. He has filled me with His love in a way that I am now able to give love and be that kind person that Jesus would be. More than anything, I am able to forgive because I have been forgiven. I thank God for the mighty way in which He uses our Pastor Taylor. I know God will continue to change lives through this ministry and I can’t wait to see it! Because, as we all know, there is just something about this water!!
-Beloved, Dulce Forgiven

Victory for Jesus? The Angels are having a party in Heaven! I had converted to and was very devout as a Muslim. So devout, in fact, I was a facilitator in Islam. My goal was to open a Dawah School of Thought for 2-4 year olds. My future life had been planned – for myself, by myself. I have not only found Jesus Christ but I have also embraced him today as my Lord and Savior. I have finally found not only the trust I have searched for all my life. But I have found love in abundance
-Beloved, “S” Conversion from Islam to Christianity!

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